Report and manage in which folders a user is entitled. Delete or change all rights in bulk.
Report the change in folder rights (Who, When, To, What rights are granted in which folder)..
You can undo folder rights changes from FolSec Panel. (For example, in the \\ fileserver \ Finance folder, İsmail's Full Rights have been changed to Read). Restore with restore feature.
You can be notified by e-mail if there is a change of authority in a specified folder. (For example, full rights are given to ismail user in finance folder).
Your users can make folder claims from the FolSec panel. The system can authorize admission claims. Who has made the claim for which folder is registered who has authorized.
Each department or user can manage the privileges of the folder in their own sharing field.
You can grant periodical folder permissions. For example; full rights was given Mr. İsmail for 2 hours on \\ fileserver \ finance folder. The rights are automatically removed at the end of the period. The periodical rights report is sent by an e-mail.
Copy all rights of one user to another user. ( Folders Permission transfer)
Move all rights of one user to another user.
Be notified by automatic e-mail if the Everyone group is defined in a folder
You can see and manage who has what rights in a folder in the sharing field. (Authorization of folder rights, add authority, remove authority, change authority.)
File Access Control Perspective
Who tried to delete the finance folder when? Find failed deletion and read attempts.
You can report file accesses in sharing fields. (Who, When, Which file has been deleted - created or read.)
Which file types have been deleted these days and when deleted!
Which file types were created these days who created when.
What kind of authority changes were made in which folders through Windows? You can analyze security logs.
The owner of which folder has been changed. Who changed it when?
Windows events when deleted by whom!
File Type Analysis Perspective
You can analyze and report the types of folders and files in the share fields.
What types of files are there on the sharing server?
What types of files does the user have on the sharing server and where?
You can report on file sharing server by file type, size, creation date (Oldest file - Most recent file).
You can create folder in file sharing area, copy, move, delete and correct name.
What is the largest folder size in the share area? Who is the owner? What types of files are in the folder?
Anomaly Detection Perspective
You can detect suspicious user activities. For example: Deleting, moving, changing permissions, etc. 100 files in 1 minute.
Detection of suspicious Ransomware activity. For example: If 100 file reading, deleting and creating events occur simultaneously within 1 minute, it will be reported as a suspicious activity.
Alarms can be created according to event types in a folder you can specifically specify. Ex. If 10 files in the c:\data\finance folder are deleted at the same time within 5 minutes, an alarm will be generated.
❝ The Folsec GDPR law provides for the regular control, management and reporting of the competences in the common sharing areas in accordance with Article 3 ‘ Technical measures related to personal data security ' ❞