1.Folder permission perspective (Management of NTFS Permissions)
1.Manage NTFS permissions web-based.
2.Each volume or user can manage the permissions of his folder in his own share areas.
3.You can grant temporary folder permission. Mr. ismail was also given full rights to the \\fileserver\finance folder for 2 hours. The right is automatically removed at the end of the period. The term-time leave report is sent by e-mail.
4.Copy all the rights of one user to another user.
5.Move all the rights of one user to another user.
6.If the Everyone group is defined in a folder, be notified by automatic e-mail.
7.You can see and manage who has what kind of rights in a folder in the sharing area. (Editing permissions on folder rights, adding permissions, removing permissions, changing permissions.)
8.Report which folders a user has rights to, and manage. Collectively delete all rights, change them.
9.Report the change in folder rights.(Who, When, To whom, In what folder did he give what right)
10.You can undo folder rights changes made from the Folsec Panel. \in the \fileserver\Finance folder, restore Ismail's Full Right to Read with the changed Restaurant property.
11.If there is a change of authorization in a designated folder, you can be notified by e-mail. (full rights have been granted for ismail user in the finance folder)
12.Your users can make folder claims from the Folsec panel. The system administrator can authorize claims. Who has filed a claim for the hagi folder when, who has authorized it is registered.
2.File access control perspective
1.You can report file accesses in share fields. ( Who, When, Which file was deleted- created or read.)
2.Which file types were deleted today, who deleted when!
3.Who created which file types were created on this day, and when.
4.What kind of authorization changes were made to which folders via Windows? You can analyze the security logs.
5.Which folder's owner (owner) has been changed. Who changed it when?
6.When were Windows events deleted by who!
7.When did who tried to delete the finance folder? Find failed delete and read attempts.
3. File type analysis perspective
1.You can analyze and report the types of folders and files in the sharing areas.
2.What are the most file types on the sharing server , how many, what are their sizes?
3.Which user has what types of files on the sharing server, and where?
4.Dosya paylaşım sunucusunda Dosyanın tipine, boyutuna , oluşturma tarihine göre ( En eski dosya - En güncel dosya) raporlayabilirsiniz.
5.You can create a folder in the file sharing area, copy, move, delete, and correct its name.
6.What is the largest folder size in the sharing area? Who owns it? What kind of file types are there in the folder?
4. Anomaly Detection and Analysis
1.You can find out the risk status according to the permissions of the users in the files server.
2.You can receive news about changes made to an important file by mail.
3.You can determine which user or processes are creating what kind of abnormal activity on the file server.
4.You may be aware of users or processes that have reached the number of event logs you have specified or more than that number
a) Minimum Hardware: 24GB Ram 8Core Cpu 500GB Free Disk space. (SSD Disk infrastructure is recommended for performance)
b) Software requirement: Windows 2016(64bit), Windows 2019(64bit), Windows 2022(64bit)
c) Database Requirement: Mysql. Folsec automatically installs the database.
d) Supported Browser: Google Chrome , Firefox, Yandex
e) Access Ports: The default web port is 5000. Changeable. https://linux_ip
f) Software that must be installed on the server: Folsec automatically installs the Visual C++ 2015 version required during installation.
Folsec Linux Installation
1. The VFolSec installation file folsec.com download from it.
2. Click on the Create / Regaister VM button from the Vmvare screen.
3. Click Next from the opened window.
4. From the Name section, we give a name to our server and select Linux from the Guest OS family section and Ubuntu Linux (64 bit) from the Guest OS version section.
5.FolSec linux sunucumuzu hangi datastore da oluşturacaksak seçip Next butonuna tıklanır.
6.The Minimum System Requirements should be 8 Core CPU, 24GB RAM, 500GB Hard Disk.
7.To select our CD, we select the datastore ISO file.
8.folsec-ubuntu-server.we select iso and click select.
9.We say Next and continue.
10.We click on the Finish button.
11.We select our linux server that we have created and click on the play button.
12.While auto install is on FolSec Server, we are pressing enter.
13.We click the Enter button when we see this screen.
14.We are entering our default username: folsec.
15.Entering our default password folsec2023-
16.We do the steps that appear in the red field respectively, we write "sudo su" first.
17.We are typing folsec2023- into the password section.
18.we are writing ”cd /folsec".
19."bash run_folsec.sh ” we are writing.
20.We enter folsec from the browser and enter an empty ip address that we will do.
21.We are writing our Subnet Mask.
22.We are writing our Gateway.
23.Finally, we write our dns and proceed to download the packages.
24.Your packages have been downloaded let's write the ip we have determined from the browser.
25.The login screen.
The FolSec installation file folsec.com download from it.
1. Which you have downloaded .extract the setup file from the rar file.
2. Which you removed to the desktop .right-click on the exe file and run it as an administrator.
3.Select the Create a desktop shortcut tick and click the Next button.
4.Click on the Install button
5.Click on the Finish button
6.Click the FolSec button at the top left of the FolSec Service Configurator screen.
7.Click on the Install or Update FolSec button.
8.If we are going to do an online installation, if we are going to install the packages from outside via the internet, we click on the Install button marked with the online tick, but if we are going to do an offline installation, if we remove the online tick and folsec.com the offline installation file that we downloaded from it "... by clicking on the " button, we select the path and click on the Install button.
9.We are entering the password of our service account.
10.Our installation process has been completed successfully.
11.Let's check that the Task Schedulers are working.
12.https://localhost:8001 write and check whether the permission service is standing.
13.https://localhost:8002 write and check whether the audit service is standing.
Permission Perspective Dashboard; Here it shows the number of Servers, the number of shared folders, the number of users in the shares, the number of permissions detected and modified in the folders, the panel showing how many folders everyone has rights to, the panel showing the number of folder permission requests, and the fields where there is information about the server.
Menu: Folder Summary: The server perspective does the job of adding folder permissions (permissions), deleting and editing.
Add Permission:You Octet a new permission from this field. The permission type and user, group are selected, then the description is added.
Schedule: Ensures that the permission is granted on the specified date and time.
Period: If permission definition is to be made to a folder for a certain period of time, the timed insertion parameters are selected and the authorization is defined until then. At the end of the period, the authorization is automatically removed.
Period (süreli yetki): if it is defined, it sends mail when the period ends..
Inherit: with the override section, folders that are not inherited are scanned and permission is added.
Cascade Permission: It allows the permissions that you have granted in the subfolders to be granted to the parent folder as well.
Path Report:The user and group permissions of the folder or folders you have selected can be downloaded in pdf and csv format. If we want to extract a report showing the members of the groups, it can be sent to the relevant person daily or weekly.
İmpact Analysis: Etki analizi bölümü seçtiğiniz klasör veya klasörlerde ki toplam dosya ve klasörlerin sayısını, dosyaların boyutlarını, uzantılarını görebildiğiniz bir rapordur eğer dosya sunucunuzda bir veri keşfi entegrasyonu var ise veri keşfi sonuçları bu rapora yansır. Pdf dosyası olarak indirebilir veya ilgili kişiye direkt mail atabilirsiniz.
İnheritance: It is used to open and close the inheritance of the folder.
Remove Selected Permission: Allows you to delete the permission of the user or group you selected
İgnore İnheritance: Inheriti also allows you to remove permissions from closed subfolders.
Force Recuvirsive: Even if the scanning status of our file server is not up to date, we can force the program to inherit the deletion process by activating this tiki.
Chaneg Owner: Changes the owner of the folder.
Convert to Group: It serves to group at least 2 users or groups that have the same right
Remove grouped permissions: Deletes the direct permissions of the selected users or groups after grouping.
Add new permission Managers: You can add a new permission manager.
It allows us to list and manage which folders a user has permissions on on a server, and manage them.
Change Permission: Changes all permissions of the user selected from the User filter to the permission you specified.
Remove Permission: Deletes all the rights of a user that you selected in the User filter.
Clone Permission: Copies all folder permissions of the selected user to another user.
Move Permission: Moves all folder permissions of the selected user to another user.
FOLSEC's Backup & Restore menu is an effective tool that makes NTFS permission management more secure and efficient. This feature allows you to quickly return to old configurations when necessary. It automatically retrieves the permission backups received after scanning and allows you to view these backups in the backup restore menu. In this way, you can easily revert to the permissions on the desired date in case of any file server permission confusion.
The backup process ensures that permission configurations are saved regularly after scanning.In case of a possible permission confusion, thanks to FOLSEC's Backup & Restore menu, it is quite simple to return to the old permission configurations at the desired date. This flexibility allows you to effectively manage the clutter in the system. This feature of FOLSEC is the ideal way to secure your NTFS permissions and simplify your management.
Path Raporu: Allows you to view scheduled (scheduled) reports in the Folder Perspective menu. This feature allows you to examine in detail the permissions and access levels on certain routes. It clearly shows which permissions users and groups have in which folders. These reports, taken from a folder perspective, allow you to effectively manage access permissions on your system.
Schedule Permission Report: The feature allows you to comprehensively list permissions granted at a later date. Thanks to this feature, you can clearly see which user was granted permissions on which path and on what date these permissions were applied. By receiving detailed reports, you can track the history of permissions and perform permission management more effectively.
Periodic Permission Report: It lists the granted time permits comprehensively. This report allows you to clearly see on what date the permits were issued, how long they have left, who issued the permit, to whom the permit was issued, and the type of permit granted. In addition, you can easily export the report if you wish. The Periodic Permission Report provides the necessary information to effectively monitor and analyze the permission management, so you can see the temporary permissions in your system very conveniently.
FOLSEC's User & Group Management menu is the section where security groups and users pulled from Active Directory are listed, reported, and managed. Through this menu, various operations can be performed on users and groups.
The process of assigning Roles to users is performed in this menu. It also provides the possibility to create custom roles according to the needs of your company. This feature simplifies user authorization processes, making security and access management more flexible and effective.
With FolSec, you can manage all users and groups from Active Directory in detail, create comprehensive reports, and make the necessary adjustments.
FOLSEC's File Server Configuration menu provides a comprehensive solution for file server management. From this menu, adding a file server and deleting a file server can be easily performed. In addition, file server permission scanning and file scanning can be started to analyze permissions and file types on a specific file server. Thanks to these scans, what types of files are located in which folders and what permissions users have are reported in detail.Users can take folder backups (backups) to ensure the security of important folders on the selected file server and restore these backups if necessary. In addition, it is possible to continuously monitor security by performing permission audit and file type scans on selected folders.With FOLSEC's File Server Configuration menu, the file server management and permission control processes are made much more secure and streamlined.
FOLSEC's SMTP Configuration menu allows system administrators to ensure that notifications about different actions reach the right people via email. Below is a summary of the features in this menu in accordance with the SEO rules:
1.Enable Everyone Alert: When any permission is granted to the "Everyone" group on the file server, the system automatically sends an e-mail notification to the relevant contacts.
2.Enable File Type Action Notifications: You can receive instant notification by e-mail about the actions performed on the specified file types. This is especially useful for monitoring sensitive file types.
3.Enable Permission Alert For Destination User: When a new access permission is granted to any user, notification is sent to the relevant user and administrators by e-mail.
4.Enable Permission Alert: Every time the action to change the permission takes place, the admin is notified of this change immediately by e-mail.
5.Enable Anomaly Alert: You can define who to send e-mail about anomalies that occur on the system. This feature is critical for security breaches or unusual activities.
6.Enable Notification Emails: When services stop or similar critical events occur in the FolSec program, administrators are notified by e-mail. This is important to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the system.
7.Enable User Group Change Notification: Actions performed on Active Directory, such as adding, deleting users, or making security group changes, are instantly forwarded to administrators as an e-mail notification.
These SMTP settings are used to make the security and access control of the system more effective and ensure that administrators are aware of all kinds of important events.
FOLSEC's Alert & Anomaly Configuration Menu offers system administrators the ability to create customized alerts on multiple file servers. Administrators can create alerts based on events that occur on a specific user or path. In this process, it can be configured so that action is taken if certain event logs occur within the specified number and time period.
Three basic types of actions can be defined in this menu:
1.Sending notifications only by e-mail.
2.Deactivation of the user (user disabled)
3.Blocking of sharing permissions (share permission block)
This flexible structure helps to detect potential threats in the system in advance and minimize security risks with rapid intervention.
FOLSEC's File Audit Log Configuration Menu allows system administrators to precisely manage logs created on file servers and exclude certain logs. In this menu, users can focus only on important data by filtering unnecessary or irrelevant logs.
The main actions that can be performed are:
It provides the possibility to exclude logs from certain computers.
Do not exclude logs of unrelated or specified processes.
Do not exclude certain logs created by certain users.
It provides a more specific analysis by excluding the logs of the selected file extensions.
Allows you to filter logs belonging to one or more files.
This feature allows you to manage logs more efficiently and thus optimizes system performance and security.
FOLSEC's File Audit Log Archive Menu provides regular and secure archiving of audit logs generated on file servers. This feature allows system administrators to perform retrospective analyses by storing logs for a longer period of time. Users can perform log archiving operations monthly, 3 monthly, annually or manually.These flexible archiving options make data management easier for organizations working with large amounts of data and contribute to optimizing performance. In addition, with the possibility of manual archiving, logs can be stored according to current needs and easily accessed when necessary.This feature of FOLSEC allows access logs to be stored regularly and used in audit processes when necessary.
FOLSEC's Syslog Configuration Menu provides integration with the syslog server and provides the opportunity to route system logs to a central point. In this menu, by entering the syslog server information, all permission logs and audit logs generated on FolSec can be automatically sent to the syslog server. This process allows monitoring and analyzing security incidents in a more centralized way.Thanks to this feature, system administrators can quickly detect security vulnerabilities by tracking access and permission changes that occur on FolSec in more detail.
FOLSEC's Credential Profile Menu is an area where service accounts are created and managed. The credential profile created in this menu allows you to perform the specified operations by connecting to the corresponding file servers. These operations include important tasks such as adding, Decrypting or changing permissions, creating groups, and deleting them. These operations performed through the service account allow you to safely and efficiently perform user and group management on file servers.
FOLSEC's Data Discovery Configuration Menu is a tool that allows you to integrate your data discovery product on file servers with FolSec. After entering the required information through this menu, the data discovery results appear in the Impact Analysis report in the Folder Perspective menu. In this way, you can analyze the data discovery operations performed on the file server in a more comprehensive way and view and report these results in detail on the FolSec screen. This feature of FOLSEC makes data management and discovery more organized and controllable, thus enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
FOLSEC's App Configuration and Maintenance Menu provides an area where the general configuration and maintenance operations of the FolSec application are performed. In this menu, FOLSEC's Linux and Windows machines are connected to each other via IP addresses. At the same time, operations such as managing system updates and restarting the application are also performed from this menu. System administrators can ensure that FOLSEC runs smoothly and stays up-to-date with the settings and maintenance operations performed here.
FOLSEC's Error Logs menu is a tool that explains application errors in detail according to their types and provides reporting opportunities. This menu provides administrators with great convenience in identifying the source of system errors and determining the necessary steps for a solution. In addition, these errors can be reported and exported in CSV format, so that comprehensive monitoring of system performance and security issues can be performed.Thanks to the Error Logs menu, administrators can detect especially critical application errors at an early stage and ensure the smooth operation of the system by taking the necessary measures.
FOLSEC's Ransomware Extensions Menu offers the function of detecting and managing dangerous file extensions. FolSec notifies the administrator after scanning for potentially dangerous file extensions on file servers. If these extensions contain ransomware threats, it alerts system administrators and puts the file extension in the ransomware category. However, if it becomes clear that an extension does not pose a danger to the system, this extension can be disabled from the Ransomware Extensions menu. Thus, this file extension is taken to the other category in subsequent scans.This menu provides great convenience to system administrators in ensuring system security and detecting possible hazards at an early stage.
FOLSEC's Audit Logs menu allows system administrators to review all audit logs generated on the file server in detail. Thanks to this menu, you can see which user creates which event logs on which path, as well as track in detail what types of event logs are generated by which process (for example: reading, writing, deleting, permission changes, etc.). The Audit Logs menu also provides administrators with the opportunity to report these logs in CSV format, making it easier to export and analyze logs. These features are a critical tool for strengthening security management and monitoring data movements.
FOLSEC's Process Analysis menu provides the opportunity to view and report in detail what kind of event logs are generated by processes running on file servers. Through this menu, system administrators can determine which operations a particular process performs (for example: read, create, delete, etc.) may follow. Process Analysis provides administrators with the convenience of examining process movements in depth, recording all events that are important for security, and reporting this information. This feature plays a critical role in detecting security threats early and taking proactive measures against possible breaches.
FOLSEC's User Analysis menu provides system administrators with the opportunity to see and report in detail which user created what types of event logs (for example: reading, creating, deleting). In this menu, system administrators can list and analyze all the operations that users perform on file servers. In addition, when clicking on the logs generated on a user basis, they can be redirected to the Audit Logs menu and examine the log details in more detail.This menu is a critical tool, especially for monitoring user activities, early detection of security incidents and prevention of data breaches. In addition, system administrators can export these logs in CSV format and include them in detailed analysis and reporting processes.
FOLSEC's File/Folder Analysis menu provides the opportunity to view and report in detail what kind of event logs are generated in which file or folder on the file servers. System administrators can perform all operations that take place in certain files and folders (for example, reading, creating, deleting, etc.) they can easily follow. When clicking on the logs generated in the relevant file or folder, they can be redirected to the Audit Logs screen and displayed in detail by which user or process these logs were generated.This analysis menu plays a major role in detecting potential vulnerabilities and monitoring file movements, while making the activities on file servers more understandable. Managers can make detailed analyses and create reports by exporting this data in CSV format.
FOLSEC's Scheduled Audit Log Report menu is an extremely useful tool for closely monitoring security and access events on file servers. Thanks to this menu, system administrators can create audit alerts according to specific user accounts (accounts), paths, or specified event logs. These alerts ensure that e-mails are automatically sent to the relevant people, especially when targeted events occur.The administrator can create automatic reports within the specified time frames by making filters for whichever user or path he wants to monitor, and track vulnerabilities or unusual activities on the system more effectively. Thus, it offers the opportunity to instantly find out which user is performing what kind of operations on the system and to prevent possible risks early.This feature provides a critical advantage in terms of security management and compliance reporting.
Folsec's Application Activities menu is a useful tool for monitoring and managing application-based activities. Thanks to this menu, critical movements performed by users in the system can be followed in detail. In particular, it allows us to monitor who is logging in and logging out of the system.
FOLSEC's File Type Perspective Dashboard display allows you to analyze the file types on the selected file server in detail after scanning. This screen graphically presents the numbers and sizes of file types, so you can quickly and visually examine the file structure on the system.
Featured Features:
Visualization of File Types: The data obtained after scanning are shown in graphs by numerical and dimensional analysis according to file types. This allows you to instantly see which file type takes up more space on the system and the most commonly used file formats.Category-Based Analysis: Files are analyzed by dividing them into categories. Categories such as office files, text files, system files, ransomware files are shown in separate graphs for each of them. In this way, you can easily understand which category of files are more common in the system.Number and Size Based Charts: It is possible to track both the numbers and sizes of file types with two different charts. This helps you to understand not only how many files there are, but also how much space these files take up on the system.User-Friendly Schema: Graphs and schemas are designed in a simple and understandable way so that the user can easily perform analysis. Visuals allow you to perform file analysis quickly and effectively, reducing data density.Optimization of System Resources: Visualizing the file types that take up space on the server helps you understand which files use up system resources and how much. In this way, you can detect and clean up unnecessary files, optimize system performance.FOLSEC's File Type Perspective Dashboard display is an effective tool that facilitates the analysis of file types on the server after scanning. While the numbers and sizes of file types are presented with visual graphics, it allows you to perform a more detailed analysis by categorizing the files. Thanks to this screen, you can manage the file structure on the server both efficiently and evaluate it in terms of security and performance.
FOLSEC's File Analysis menu allows you to comprehensively analyze files on the file server after scanning. Thanks to this menu, you can Decipher the files in detail according to various search criteria and take certain actions.
Featured Features:
Detailed File Search: Files on the file server can be searched by Decals, access deadlines, size and other characteristics. In this way, it becomes possible to quickly find and analyze files that meet certain criteria.Decal-Based Search: Thanks to the Decals given to the files after the scans on the files, you can search by separating the files according to certain categories or characteristics. This makes file management easier, especially on large file servers.Last Access Date and Size Searches: By sorting files by last access dates, you can determine which files have not been used for a long time and take action on these files. In addition, by searching by file size, you can quickly find the files that take up the most space on the system Decently.File Management Actions: FOLSEC's File Analysis menu allows you to perform various operations on files. With actions such as copy (copy), move (move) and delete (delete), you have full control over the files. Thanks to this, you can clean up unnecessary files, edit files, or move them to different places.User-Friendly Interface: The menu has a simple and understandable structure. The filtering and search options are user-friendly, so it's quite easy to Decode files and take management actions.FOLSEC's File Analysis menu provides a comprehensive solution for analyzing and managing files on the file server in detail. Files can be searched by their tags, access deadlines, and size, and then actions such as copying, moving, and deleting can be taken. Thanks to this menu, file management becomes more efficient and unnecessary files on the system are easily cleaned up.
File Duplicate Analysis Menu and Duplicate File Management in FolSec Application
FOLSEC's File Duplicate Analysis menu is an effective tool for detecting and managing duplicate files located on the system. This menu allows you to quickly find the same files that take up unnecessary space on file servers and allows you to take various management actions related to these files.
Featured Features:
Viewing Duplicate Files: After system scans, files with the same name, size, and extension are marked as duplicate. Thanks to this menu, all duplicate files in the system are easily detected and listed. This helps you improve system performance by preventing unnecessary file accumulation.Administrative Actions: You can take different actions related to duplicate files. You can move files to a different location with the move operation, duplicate the same file with the copy operation, or completely remove unnecessary files from the system with the delete option. In this way, order is provided on file servers and unnecessary disk usage is reduced.Ease of Use: The File Duplicate Analysis menu offers a user-friendly interface. Duplicate files can be sorted easily and the desired action on each file can be taken quickly. This makes data management easier, especially on servers with large file pools FOLSEC's File Duplicate Analysis menu is a comprehensive solution for detecting and managing duplicate files located on file servers. Duplicate files are recognized and listed by the system as long as their name, size, and extension are the same. This menu makes file management efficient by allowing you to perform operations such as move, copy, delete.
FOLSEC's File Action Policy menu is an approval mechanism that allows important decisions to be made about file analysis operations. In this menu, the processes are started by approving the file actions created in the File Analysis menu. However, a minimum of two users must give their consent for these actions to start. This feature provides an additional layer of security in terms of security and process control, providing protection to prevent an individual user from making incorrect or unauthorized transactions.Oct.This menu helps to safely execute high-risk or critical operations, especially on file servers. After receiving the user's approvals, the specified actions (such as deleting files, moving, changing permissions) are activated, and system administrators can easily track these operations.
FOLSEC's Folder Analysis Menu is a tool that provides the opportunity to analyze and report the status of folders in detail after the scanning process. In this menu, system administrators can search for folders based on criteria such as the most recent access date, folder size, ownership information Dec. In addition, important information such as the number of files in the folder, the number of subfolders, and the sizes of these files can also be displayed.By providing comprehensive information about the status of folders with the Folder Analysis Menu, it becomes easier to detect unnecessary data accumulations and old files on file servers. This information is of critical importance for the development of security and data management strategies. System administrators can provide a more efficient data management on the server by reporting these detailed analyses.This menu makes it possible to quickly access and report all information about files and folders, thus making it easier to manage the server's capacity and security controls.
Folder Size Analysis is an effective tool used to analyze the size and contents of selected folders on the scanned file server in detail. This menu provides users with the following important information:
Folder Size: It shows the total size of the selected folder, so it can be easily determined which folders take up too much space.
Top 5 File Types: It determines the 5 file types that take up the most space in the folder and graphically presents the number and size of these file types. This feature helps users to understand which types of files take up more space.
Graphical Reporting:By presenting the analysis results with user-friendly graphs, it provides easier understanding of the data. Data about the size and file types are presented in the form of visual diagrams, thus making the decision-making process even easier.
Number of Subfolders:Users can quickly view the number of subfolders inside the folder. This information is important for understanding the complexity of the file structure and improving the file organization.
Folder Size Logs is the screen where we see and report that the size of folders after scanning has grown and shrunk compared to the previous scan. This menu allows you to determine which folders have grown or shrunk over time by tracking the size changes of the folders on your file server.Regularly tracking changes in folder sizes is critical for detecting unnecessary files and using storage space more efficiently. Folder Size Logs provides you with a user-friendly interface so that you can easily see these changes.As a result, the Folder Size Logs menu allows you to effectively track the size of your folders, which helps you make more informed data management decisions. Start analyzing your folder sizes using this tool on your file server!
Anomaly Dashboard is a menu that categorizes the anomaly event log events on the file server and provides a detailed analysis to the user. This screen is an ideal tool for detecting and monitoring security threats and shows possible anomalies in four different categories: Suspicious User Activities, Suspicious Event Activities, User Defined Suspicious Activities and Suspicious Ransomware Activities.Thanks to this menu, you can quickly detect and analyze suspicious user behavior, activities and potential ransomware threats on the file server. Anomaly Dashboard offers a more effective and organized review by categorizing events, so that you can intervene against security vulnerabilities in a timely manner.Anomaly Dashboard is an indispensable solution to better understand the security risks on your file server and develop a proactive approach to potential threats. Start using this menu to easily analyze and report anomaly events on your server!
The General Summary menu is a screen that provides an overview of the four main perspectives of FOLSEC. This menu Deconstructs the most important data on the selected file server and provides a comprehensive analysis. Users, users and groups with top 5 rights can see the number of total event logs on the file server, the number of attempt logs, the top 10 file types available on the file server, and the top 5 anomaly event that has occurred in detail on this screen.The General Summary menu provides the most critical information on the system in one place, allowing you to make more effective decisions in file server management. You can optimize server performance by analyzing both security-important events and file types and user activities.
FOLSEC's Audit Summary Menu provides a numerical summary of the audit logs selected on a weekly or monthly basis on the file servers. Thanks to this menu, it is possible to view how many audit logs were generated on which file server during a certain period of time and to report this data. System administrators are redirected to the Audit Logs screen when they click on the log number and can review detailed log information.This menu offers system administrators the opportunity to monitor the activities on the file server with an overview and quickly access the details when necessary. Thanks to Audit Summary, it becomes easier to keep file server activities under control with regular reporting and to detect potential security risks in advance.
FOLSEC's User Risk Analysis Menu provides a critical tool for assessing and monitoring users' security risks. In this menu, users' risk scores are determined according to pre-configured risk settings and presented in a graphical format. Thanks to this graph, users can quickly see which users are at low or high risk.The user name can be clicked to understand why a user is at risk. This process shows in detail which activities or permissions that user is considered risky due to. The user's risk score may be low or high, and the reasons for this situation are explained on the User Risk Analysis screen.This menu gives system administrators an important advantage in analyzing potential security threats of users and making more informed decisions. Thanks to risk assessments, proactive measures can be taken and risks in the system can be minimized.